#‎RoadTripperMonday‬ – a weekly feature of our very own Road Tripper.

Looks like a week has passed by quickly! Welcome to the second Monday of August! Today, we will feature Barbie Tobola who joined us in our Singles Road Trip last year. Barbie is a true blue kaladkarin. She is always game to go out on an event, outreach, activity and even a road trip. She believes in always saying “yes” to meeting new people and hanging out with friends. A woman with a big big heart and a passion for traveling. Just don’t dare her on a drinking game… you will never win. Haha!

To know more about Barbie, read more about her here —


1. What do you do for a living?

I’m a Senior Process Executive for the world’s largest search engine.

2. What is one of your guilty pleasures?

Streaming the previous seasons of the TV Series How to Get Away With Murder several times. ????????

3. What is the title of the movie of your life?

Eat, Pray, Love. This is really heartwarming and this is something a traveler and a girl like me can relate to.

4. If you could go back in time what would you tell your 16 year old self?

“Being different is okay. You don’t have to prove and explain yourself to other people. Be kind to yourself.”

5. If you can be teleported anywhere around the world, where would it be and why?

Maldives. Because it’s Maldives! but really it’s because I’m a true blue beach lover. I’d like to see its pristine beaches and stay in one of their stilt houses or bungalows on the water so I can watch those sea creatures through the glass floors.

6. Which celebrity would you go on a “one-night-only-date” with?

I’d like to go out with Johnny Depp. I think it’ll be fun and interesting, considering his versatility in acting. I kinda think he has a good heart when i saw his video visiting a children’s hospital wearing his costume and acting his role in the Pirates of the Caribbean to make the kids smile. He’s pretty witty too!

7. You, unfortunately have been condemned to die, but fortunately, you get to have any meal in the world before you go. What is your menu?

Lamb chops with pumpkin soup, marble potatoes, rib-eye steak, red wine. ????

8. If you could trade places with anyone right now, for a week, who would it be and why?

I’m torn between Carrie Bradshaw’s character from Sex and the City and Kristin Luna, a travel blogger/journalist.

9. What is the best present you ever received?

If we’re talking about a material thing, I’d say the graduation ring from my parents. Otherwise, finding this guy without searching for him, who loves me so much despite and in spite of who I am, is the best present ever. I thank God for him everyday. ????

10. If you could meet a famous or not so famous person, who would that be and why?

I’d like to meet Oprah Winfrey. I think she’s really inspirational and being one of the most powerful and influential women in the world, I will definitely learn a lot from her.

11. How old should a person start traveling?

There should be no age-restriction for traveling! Do it the moment you can and while you can!

12. What is your best experience in traveling/living in the Philippines?

I can’t just give you one answer to this question. Heck, I can talk about this all day! I usually travel alone by choice, and usually to places I’ve never been to. This is my way of getting away from the hustle and bustle of my daily life in the metro.. My way of refocusing my energy to what are essential and important to me as a person.. to know myself a little better.. to experience life differently and appreciate the world in a different perspective. The Philippines is such a wonderful country that I can’t seem to get enough of traveling, experiencing, and eventually being amazed of its beauty and culture. There’s so much to see here, so many places to explore.

13. In one sentence, how would you like people to remember you?

A strong willed, softhearted woman who’s a great believer of love, fate, God, and the good in others.