#‎RoadTripperMonday‬ – a weekly feature of our very own Road Tripper.

Maph’s first random experience was the epic Romblon Road Trip. That time, she strikes her fellow #kaladkarins as the innocent girl asking questions here and there that make the group blast in laughter. Being one of the youngest road trippers, she is carefree and free-spirited but surprisingly tough and make calculated risks that usually surprises her closest friends.

Maphel is currently a management trainee abroad casting stones to get her so-called American Dream. One gutsy lady who will never stop exploring and discover what this lifetime has in-store for her. We miss you, Maphel! But we’re happy that you’re love for the outdoor adventures didn’t stop in this country.

To know more about Maphel, read more about her here —


1. What do you do for a living?

I’m currently having my Food and Beverage Service training program particularly in Banquets and Special Events at Hyatt Regency Hotel, New Orleans Louisiana USA ????????

2. What is one of your guilty pleasures?

Sleeping in newly washed white sheets and blanket ????

3. What is the title of the movie of your life?

Hunger Games ???? lagi ako gutom hahaha!

4. If you could go back in time what would you tell your 16 year old self?

Stay sweet ????

5. If you can be teleported anywhere around the world, where would it be and why?

Philippines cause I’m in states right now and I miss my family and friends ????

6. Which celebrity would you go on a “one-night-only-date” with?

Lord commander of the night’s watch/Bastard of Winterfell/Jon Snow, Kit Harington ????????

7. You, unfortunately have been condemned to die, but fortunately, you get to have any meal in the world before you go. What is your menu?

Crispy pata, sinigang, sisig, lechon paksiw, sushi, sashimi, pizza, creole pasta, pringles original and rice syempre, tapos strawberry dipped in Godiva chocolate ????.. Sabi mo menu eh hahaha 8. If you could trade places with anyone right now, for a week, who would it be and why? Emma Watson, she’s an epitome of Beauty and Brains, Class and Elegance ???? what can you ask for ????

9. What is the best present you ever received?

Cash? Hahahaha nah, Love and Support from Family and Friends

10. If you could meet a famous or not so famous person, who would that be and why?

It’s always an honor to meet Pope Francis, i always look forward for his witty and substantial words. His a person everyone can look up to.

11. How old should a person start traveling?

As long as you can finance it or just save up for it, go for it..

12. What is your best experience in traveling/living in the Philippines?

That would be joining SRT4 romblon trip.. It’s given that the destination is awesome but I think it’s always the people you’re with in that trip that makes the whole experience amazing! Till now i get to talk to them and still get to share everything ☺️ miss you marmol! ❤️

13. In one sentence, how would you like people to remember you?

A True friend, caring sister, sweet daughter, faithful lover, good citizen of her country and God Fearing ????