Nothing could have made us excited for 2016 than entering into one of the most exciting partnerships we have so far – the Canon Philippines Partnership.

Starting March 2016, Experience Philippines will be organizing the Canon Road Trips, a road trip specifically for photography enthusiasts. It is just not any road trip! You will get to spend your entire weekend with some of the famous Canon Brand Ambassadors!

YES, you get to eat, sleep, talk, drink, travel with living photography legends!!!


Why are we so excited about this?

1. You get to learn from the pros in an intimate environment right in the middle of the Philippines amazing landscapes and breathtaking scenery.
2. After every Canon Road Trip, you get a chance to display your photos in the Canon Showroom in Megamall for all your friends and family to see.
3. You get to be part of this exclusive community of camera users who will have access to Canon’s latest gadgets.
4. And more than anything, you get to meet new people who shares your passion for photography while exploring amazing destinations in the Philippines.
As Brand Ambassadors of Canon Philippines, this is also our way of “delighting you always“.